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Check Out These Baby Gifts

Unusual baby gifts might include setting up a savings plan for the child. You could also put money aside for camps or music lessons. Other unusual baby gifts that keep on giving would be accounts set up for dance lessons or memberships to the zoo or children's museums.

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Looking for a Special Baby Gift?

When you want a really special baby gift consider embroidered baby gifts. Embroidered baby gifts are so nice that they often become family heirlooms.

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How Grindr got men to self-test for HIV

Mon, 25 Jul 2016 13:04:20 GMT

Grindr, a dating app for gay men, was found to be an effective way to give out HIV self-test kits to men at risk of infection and reduce the spread of HIV, according to a recent study.

Do video games lead to violence?

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 19:08:34 GMT

Watch two toddlers reunite after being separated at a Chinese orphanage. CNN's Jeanne Moos has the heartwarming hugfest.

Internet raises over $200k for popsicle man

Tue, 13 Sep 2016 04:35:46 GMT

Tomeka Jones gets tips from an expert on how to stretch your muscles properly.

Grass, pets, showers can cause fungal infections?

Wed, 07 Sep 2016 20:01:27 GMT

Elijah, a pup in Idaho, was suffering from severe malnutrition because of a "vascular ring anomaly," but thanks to some creative doctors he's now living a life fit for a king.

Will Trump's DC hotel survive his candidacy?

Wed, 14 Sep 2016 12:45:06 GMT

The continent is making a splash in the fashion world.

Puppy's special chair saves his life

Thu, 01 Sep 2016 22:37:35 GMT

If there is a common language in the food world, it's barbecue. Tailgating and barbecue, it doesn't get better than that

How sugar industry sweetened research in its favor

Mon, 12 Sep 2016 16:26:19 GMT

As parents, we have many hopes for our kids. We want them to grow up to live happy, successful lives. We hope they'll find love, maybe have kids of their own, and pursue their dreams. But at the bottom of all these wishes is the hope that our kid turns into a decent human being -- someone who is kind, respectful, and honest.

Toxic chemicals are hiding in your house dust

Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:33:57 GMT

The math is simple, but the implications of these schedules are different. The danger is in disregarding the effects that can occur as a result of fatigue and stress.

Ready for your golden years?

Wed, 28 Jun 2017 03:20:47 GMT

Kelly Bowman gets talks to an expert about skin fungal infections.

Setting limits for 'spoiled' kids

Tue, 13 Sep 2016 17:27:09 GMT

Researchers say 45 toxic chemicals are found commonly in your house dust, with 10 of them lurking in 90% of homes across the country.

Baby simulators not effective in preventing pregnancy, study says

Tue, 30 Aug 2016 10:07:54 GMT

The Munich rampage led many parents to worry that violent video games may be negatively affecting their own teens, but recent studies suggest little to no effect.

Do you know what an IUD is? Many don't

Fri, 16 Sep 2016 20:05:17 GMT

My girls, 8 and 10, really enjoy watching football, but I have to admit I cringe every time they see yet another beer commercial during a live game.

Raising a good person in a digital world

Fri, 09 Sep 2016 11:26:54 GMT

On the very first episode of the MTV reality series "Teen Mom," back in 2009, the cameras were rolling as Catelynn, one of the girls on the show, talked to her doctor about birth control. She made the decision to get a Mirena intrauterine device, known as an IUD; it's more than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy and lasts for five years.

15-year-old proposes hijabi emoji

Wed, 14 Sep 2016 17:58:57 GMT

When sex is bad for men, good for women

Thu, 08 Sep 2016 16:56:13 GMT

It can be exasperating when your tween or teen thinks you are wrong all the time, but it is often a normal part of your child's development.

How to deal with a defiant child

Tue, 30 Aug 2016 16:07:17 GMT

In my house, we called it going boneless. That's when my girls, as toddlers, would arch their backs, screaming uncontrollably, usually in a public place (of course!) and there was nothing my husband or I could do to satisfy them.

Can forgotten rubella children of the '60s hold clue for Zika babies?

Thu, 08 Sep 2016 18:42:38 GMT

Imagine that swimming is what you've loved for more than 15 years, but whenever you dive into the pool, you feel like a disappointment, unmotivated to go forward. The feeling is almost destructive. That was what was going on in Allison Schmitt's mind during training after the 2012 London Olympic Games.

Should dating apps have HIV filters?

Thu, 15 Sep 2016 12:13:29 GMT

Dating apps and sites offer the option to filter matches by sex, ethnicity, height or religion -- but they could be even more personal.

The glory of barbecue

Mon, 17 Jun 2019 23:48:00 GMT

Soon, headscarf-wearing Muslim women may find an emoji to represent them -- thanks to a Saudi girl.

Prescription heroin gets green light in Canada

Thu, 15 Sep 2016 01:15:24 GMT

Off the coast of Georgia lies a quiet island, accessible only by boat and home to about 50 year-round residents -- all descendants of slaves.

An island's future tied to farming crops from the past

Wed, 14 Sep 2016 12:44:35 GMT

Old documents shed new light on the sugar industry's controversial history of funding heart disease research.

When your kids think you're always wrong

Wed, 14 Sep 2016 16:31:19 GMT

Most parents have struggled with a defiant child, but what they might not realize is that there are steps they can take to eliminate the challenging behavior.

Olympic swimmer takes on depression with help of Phelps, others

Fri, 09 Sep 2016 09:27:09 GMT

A new study suggests that the human tongue can detect a "starchy" sixth taste and may shed light on why we enjoy eating carbs.

Tots inseparable at orphanage, then one got adopted

Thu, 15 Sep 2016 14:50:54 GMT

Donald Trump's controversial comments during his candidacy appear to have hurt him in the business world. His new luxury hotel in Washington might be the latest casualty. CNN's Phil Mattingly reports.

'Starchy' enters race to be sixth taste

Thu, 08 Sep 2016 14:54:29 GMT

Baby simulator programs, designed to deter teenage girls from getting pregnant, do not prevent pregnancy. according to a study published in the journal Lancet.

A four-day workweek could be hazardous to your health

Thu, 15 Sep 2016 10:47:29 GMT

Health Canada has amended its regulations to allow Canadian doctors to prescribe heroin as a treatment for those who are severely addicted to the drug. Last week's change to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act permits doctors to apply for permission under the federal Special Access Program to offer their addicted patients diacetylmorphine: pharmaceutical-grade heroin.

Do you really stretch before a workout?

Thu, 08 Sep 2016 16:14:26 GMT

Jim Morelli gets advice from an expert on how to handle the next phase of life.

Stop the meltdowns!

Fri, 19 Aug 2016 20:37:45 GMT

More than 10 years ago, as I headed to one of my final OB/GYN appointments before my first daughter was born, I had a moment.

Africa is firmly on the fashion map

Wed, 14 Sep 2016 08:47:44 GMT

Fidencio Sanchez, 89, has been selling paletas, or popsicles, in Chicago's Little Village neighborhood for as long as almost anyone can remember. Despite his advanced age Sanchez isn't sure he's ready to quit working.

The more alcohol ads kids see, the more alcohol they consume

Fri, 09 Sep 2016 17:40:11 GMT

Pregnant women infected with the rubella virus, or German measles, during a 1960's US epidemic, gave birth to babies with multiple birth defects. More than 50 years later, their children still need care.

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